Douglas Hall

Douglas Hall (B.1996) is a film photographer based in Seattle, Washington. Photography has played a big part in Douglas' life, expanding from shooting weddings and events on digital for years only to be burnt out and found himself rediscovering his love for photography through the whole process of shooting and post processing film. Doug is a huge advocate for getting others to experience creating artwork using film, teaching others to slow down and enjoy the process of freezing time with film is something he strives to accomplish through publishing his work.

"These images were created on both Cinestill 400D and Kodak Gold 200 using my Pentax 67 and 105mm lens, home developed and scanned. This collection of images helped me create my vision on film. Before these images, my photography never quite translated my thoughts when shooting, I was always happy with my work but never felt that it achieved showing my true vision."

"After shooting these I found that my creative vision of reality was finally displayed by my artwork. Hailing from Southern California, I have always been immersed in bright golden light but after moving to the Pacific Northwest, I was shown light and colours I had never seen before. The lighting in this collection has helped me discover the true vision I have when finding compositions. These images have also taught me how to translate my vision into reality and have helped me curate my composing by objects in the frame as well as understanding how colour tone changes exposure and intensity of light."


Emma Spreadborough


Izzy Coombs