Jack Moyse

Jack Moyse is a photographer and artist from Swansea in South Wales. Who has been making images for roughly ten years having been gifted a camera by his father when recovering from an operation at the age of 18.

“I think he thought it’d get me out of moping around the house after what’d been a pretty shitty few years. Camera in hand, I slowly started reintegrating into communities I’d become distant from, living vicariously through the lens.”

“My eyes were opened to photography as an art form when I enrolled on a masters. I was overwhelmed by theory, blown away by the breadth of amazing narratives and documentaries that existed. I've been using photography as my chosen artistic medium ever since, using the camera to express my thoughts and feelings on issues in society I deem necessary to be brought in to focus.”

Where to Find Jack!


Gerard Kirwin


Jasmine Powell