Gerard Kirwin

Gerard Kirwin is a Seattle based photographer, who for the last two years has been focused on liminal spaces and low light within his work.

Having just gone through a break up and now living alone, working at home alone and feeling trapped in the space between his old life and what comes next. No matter how bad things got, there always was just enough light coming from somewhere.

He traveled to the UK and Europe in September, marking his first major solo trip in years. “I feel like I'm coming out of this transitional period in my life but not quite sure where the next phase lies. As I come out of this period of loneliness and letting go of the past, my work is beginning to feature more people, more faces. I'm taking photos during the day again!”

The future direction of Gerards photography is bigger, bolder, more cinematic, and more ambitious. “Photography has given me so much as an outlet to try and show the world the way I see it and that vision is changing as I change. In turn, I see myself becoming more ambitious myself, finally ready to leave the darkness and move into the light.”

Where to Find Gerard

Gerard’s Instagram


Paula Tollett


Jack Moyse